Learn Keyboard Shortcut Keys, Ms Word & Calculation In Excel

Welcome to learning basic Keyboard shortcut keys, Microsoft word and Microsoft Excel as well, these course will enable you to be able to use various keyboard shortcut keys effectively, it will boost your speed in the job as well as your performance. Microsoft word on the other hand will enable you know and understand how to type, edit and use page numbering for your work. also its advisable to download and learn mavis beacon to improve your speed while typing and reduce errors while typing. Microsoft Excel will also enable users, to be very good with basic calculations in Microsoft excel also you will be able to use a lot of formulas such as the count if, sum, sumif, concatenate Ethernet course is very very good as it will help and guide you in understanding these packages. also when you working or if you are a student it will help you significantly in school as well as in your working place. let me give a fast definition of Microsoft word and Microsoft Excel Microsoft word often called word is a graphical word processing program that users can type with, It simply means if you want to type be it a project or any related work, you can use Ms word to do that also its very credible since the writings are very clear and concise unlike most people who as bad handwriting while typing.Microsoft Excel on the other hand is an electronic representation of an accounting ledger sheet, it is a powerful application which can be use to store, manipulate, calculate and analyse data, such as numbers, text and formular, it is organise into rows and column to form cell.A cell is a rectangular block that can contain an entry.uses of Microsoft Excel Data entry. Data management. Accounting. Financial analysis. Charting and graphing. Programming. Time management. Task management.


Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Introduction to Important Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Lecture 2 Introduction to Microsoft Excel and some calculations

Lecture 3 Using Sumif, Countif and other formulas on Microsoft Excel

Lecture 4 Another Exercise with detailed calculations on excel, not too difficult

Lecture 5 Continuation of The Excercise

Lecture 6 Continuation and computing of formulas

Lecture 7 Conclusion of the Exercise

Lecture 8 Brief Introduction to Microsoft Word

business student will find this course very helpful, also those studying computer and other i.t knowledge will find this helpful, those working in any organisation also need this knowledge, accounting student also need this knowledge while working on Ms word and Ms excel, also very recommendable for student in various institution

Bạn sẽ học được những gì?

definition of Microsoft word and Microsoft excel
How to use Microsoft word for typing and editing
How to Calculate basic calculations with Microsoft excel
How to make use of keyboard shortcut keys to perform faster and effectively on the work place

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