How To Build A Personal Brand That Creates Opportunities

Having a powerful personal brand is key for any entrepreneur, consultant, coach or independent professional who wants to attract more opportunities and clients.

In this class we will cover the basic concepts, tools and steps to help you create and establish a powerful personal brand that is aligned with your audience and the needs you can help them solve.

I will guide you to build a clear and effective message that communicates the value of working with you and that positions you in a leadership space within your offer.

In this class you'll learn:

What is personal branding and why it is important

The steps to creating a personal brand of impact

To align your personal and professional objetives with your personal brand

The tools and steps to make your personal brand visible and attract opportunities

Are you ready to work on your Personal Branding and put your potential out there?

With every video you will be guided to go through different activities within the workbook, so you can advance into crafting your personal brand with each lesson.

The following activities will be completed along the way:

Who am I

What values guide me

Aligning my objectives

My audience

What I have to offer

Crafting my Personal Brand Value Proposition

Plan how you'll make your brand visible

At the end of the class you will have a clear understanding of the message that will help you position yourself as a leader in your offer and attract more opportunities in an organic way.

Bạn sẽ học được những gì?

  • What is personal branding and why it is important
  • The steps to creating a personal brand of impact
  • To align your personal and professional objetives with your personal brand
  • The tools and steps to make your personal brand visible and attract opportunit
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