Transform Yourself - Become The New You

Become the new improved version of yourself with these easy to follow lectures outlining the fundamentals of how the human brain works. Understand how to re-programme your subconscious so that YOU are in control of your behaviour, reactions and responses. YOU are guiding your life, with conscious thought and intention whilst having all the tools and understanding at your disposal to ignore self sabotage attempts, and to firmly stay on track with your chosen transformation. Learn about the importance of sleep, language, your environment and how you engage in life and how that in turn impacts your outcome. Empower yourself with knowledge and tools to overcome hurdles and evolve into your greatest self.

Change is possible when you know how.

If you Master your Mind, you can Master your Life.

Simply by purchasing this course, you will have sent a very powerful message to your brain that YOU are in charge and that you are seeking and are ready for change. The actions we take need to align with the person you want to become. Ask yourself, does that person educate themselves to grow - to succeed?

As a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist I impart my knowledge and skill in the art of transformation, there is no time like the present. You are ready.

Bạn sẽ học được những gì?

You will learn the fundamentals of how your brain works and how stress chemicals can impact and sabotage change along with how we can negate that from happening
Understand how your brain is programmed by your past experiences and by others, and how to go about re-programming it to allow you to transform as desired.
Understand the role of the primitive brain to keep you safe and how we can stay regulated to ensure personal transformation is consistent and long lasting.
The power of the imagination and how visualisation can be a tool to creating the new you.
How to be aware of the language you use and the impact it has on your success in life - how to create positive language both internally and when speaking.
The purpose and importance of sleep and how it impacts EVERYTHING.
How stress is created and stored in our body, and what we can do to alter this to ensure we feel in control of ourselves and our lives.
The power of Hypnotherapy and how you can utilise these tools yourself to create personal growth.

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