The Complete Liver Course – Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology

Hey students welcome to my course in this course you will learn about liver which is very important organ of human body

This is the most comprehensive course for liver anatomy &  pathology

In the UK we have seen a 20% increase in deaths related to liver disease since 2000 and this pattern reflects the global situation

This course will teach you about the amazing roles the liver fulfils to keep you healthy and will show you how these functions are compromised when the liver is damaged

In this course  I add

Introduction of my course

1 introduction of liver

Describe liver features like location shape weight

2 surfaces of liver

Describe about five surfaces of liver

3 what is peritoneum

Describe about peritoneum details and part of peritoneum

4 venous drainage of liver

5 Arterial supply of liver

6 lymphatic drainage of liver

7 nerve supply of liver

8 peritoneal relation of liver

9 visceral relation of liver

Pathology of liver

1 detail Ascites

2 liver abscess

Definition of liver abscess

Types of liver abscess with treatment

3 portal hypertension

Definition of portal hypertension and causes of portal hypertension with treatment

4 liver cirrhosis

Definitions and causes of liver cirrhosis with treatment


By the end of the course you will be able to

Describe the anatomy and function of the liver, and understand how individual cell types contribute to these

Compare the signs and symptoms of liver disease and understand what causes them

Reflect on the varied causes of liver disease

Explore treatments for different types of liver disease and understand the challenges of treatment

Bạn sẽ học được những gì?

Anatomy physiology and pathology of liver
Anatomical features of the liver
In liver pathology causes of liver disease and sign symptoms of liver disease
What is Peritoneum and its part

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