The Complete English Verb Tenses Grammar Course

We believe – given the right tools- everyone has the ability to learn all 12 verb tenses well.Getting tenses right in the English language is of paramount importance.The English language uses tenses to express ideas, emotions, intentions, purpose, motives, or simply put: meaning. Get it right, and you’ll have mastered all essential communication skills. But get it wrong, and the entire context will become worthless.We feel passionate about tenses.Have you ever wondered why it takes you so long to construct your sentences in English? Want to be able to think in English, but confused about the grammar?Do you ever find yourself in a real-life situation where the conversation has moved onto a different topic, but you are still trying to translate your sentences from your mother tongue to English?We will help you learn a second langue well and keep up with any conversation in English.How do we make this possible?The animated lessons will guide you to discover the meaning of the examples yourself directly in English. It’s a bit like learning a second mother tongue. With time, when you are having a real-life conversation, your answers will come to you in seconds, without having to translate them from your native language. Read the following ten points, which form the basis of our unique learning methods, and explain our approach to business.Why choose The Complete English Verb Tenses Grammar Course?1.  We cut out the middle man: your mother tongue. We prompt you to learn the rules in English:Rules are much better understood when students learn them directly in English.Learning rules in a mother tongue is a much outdated method. Students always struggle, as they are constantly having to translate in their heads while they speak. We incorporate a self-discovery learning method with animated examples and practice exercises into our lessons by using the 3 learning styles as follows:2. A bit of science – visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles:Using the 3 different learning styles people naturally posess – VAK: Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic

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