Speed Reading & Memorizing 3-4x Faster

Soo many books to read, but I don't have time."

"I'm too old to learn anything new now."

"Why bother learning these things if we're going to forget anyway?"

These types of complaints are so commonly heard in society and they lead to serious deficiencies in acquiring knowledge and subsequently earning money in life. The primary reason behind this is that while our education system focuses on imparting information, it fails to teach us how to learn and retain that information in our memory. In the 'Learn Like a Genius' course, we will learn and apply techniques that have been tested by professionals to address all these problems.

Answers to "How to learn? How to read? How to memorize?" questions can be found in this course.

Speed reading and learning have been portrayed in many shows and films as legendary and rare skills. However, with recent increases in researches concerning the brain and memory, we've begun to understand how this skill works and how it can be learned. This course has been created with the aim of acquiring speed learning skills for people all around the world.

When we first learn to read, we start by spelling syllables, then word by word, and eventually, we read silently, gaining speed. In fact, there's another level to this skill, which is speed reading with your eyes.

This course is ENTIRELY different from the speed reading courses that were once popular for exam preparation. The mistake those courses made was making students feel like they were speed reading in an illusory way for a short period. Temporarily because while the student was speed reading, they were actually comprehending only a small portion and not storing the information in their memory. In this course we've dedicated a significant time to fast comprehension. We'll use techniques employed by world memory champions and reinforce these techniques with practical videos. Ultimately, we'll apply these while speed reading and learning.

Every technique taught in the course is based on academic researches and has been tried and proven successfully by many individuals before. You'll have access to the details of the techniques through resources.

We have 3 steps on speed reading. The first one is pre reading, before reading the text, we will do a quick scan to understand the structure and increase our focus by arousing curiosity. In the second step, we use speed reading with eyes stopping at the pit words. We use pit words to avoid straining our eyes. In the final step, we memorize the information based on memory techniques and use notes, flashcards to save it. We apply all of them with our practical lessons.

Bạn sẽ học được những gì?

  • Read 3-4 Times Faster Than a Normal Reading Speed!
  • The importance of learning everyday based on researches
  • Learn how to read faster with higher comprehension rate!
  • Three simple steps of speed reading explained one by one, supported with practice lessons
  • How to apply memory techniques while speed reading
  • Prevent straining your eyes while speed reading using "Pit Words"
  • Learn how to prepare your brain before speed reading
  • Increase comprehension rate using memory connections
  • How to learn like a child by understanding your brain
  • Understand importance of memory techniques on learning
  • Learn how to save your knowledge regularly and repeat with flashcards
  • Getting help from ChatGPT to use memory techniques
  • Using flashcards to repeat the information you want to memorize
  • Taking regular notes to save the important knowledge and repeat from time to time
  • Five stages of speed reading to track your progress
  • Tactics to increase your comprehension rate
  • How to use speed reading in real life
  • How to increase your eye muscles playing a simple game
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