Perfect Pronunciation By Native English Now

A polyglot, ESL teacher who's taught in more than 10 countries, Nathan Bick uses his unique expertise to explain how to have perfect, English pronunciation. Here's his message: "Hi everyone! I'm ESL expert originally from Florida, USA. Like so many of you, I've struggled with learning pronunciation in my new languages. But unlike many of you, I've been lucky enough to find the solution. You see, pronunciation really isn't so complicated. It's just a matter of understanding how sounds work, and how they're put together. Linguists have been working on this very topic for hundreds of years. Sadly, most students have no idea how to use the information written in academic articles. And that's why I created this course. I break down - simply and clearly - how pronunciation works. And then I explain how students often mispronounce these sounds - and how to correct that. Finally, we learn how to put everything together into a smooth, native-like conversation. No doubt, many of you feel embarrassed of your pronunciation. Even advanced students are often held back by their strong accents. In this course, we will deal with that problem, once and for all. So if you're ready to have perfect pronunciation, let's get started."

Bạn sẽ học được những gì?

Learn New Sounds with Linguistics
Master Native American Intonation
Identify Key Pronunciation Mistakes
See the Connection Between Spelling & Pronunciation

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