Irregular Verbs Training Course

Do you want to memorise Irregular verbs fast and easy?
This video course will help you memorize 100 commonly used English irregular verbs in a simple and easy way; through practical exercises using both traditional and singing approaches. 'Irregular verbs song' is the world number 1 tool for memorising irregular verbs, and this singing method has been proved by thousands of positive feedbacks from students from all over the world.
The course begins with a general overview of English verbs including general verbs grammar, listing verb forms, and the contrast of regular and irregular verbs. You will also analyse the rules for forming English regular verbs and recognise the types of the
-ed ending pronunciation.
Next, you will define and list one hundred irregular verbs that are commonly used in everyday life. At first, you will train the irregular verbs with traditional approach that presents both pronunciation and using verbs in examples. Then, you will train irregular verbs with singing that is a simple but very effective way of memorising. You will do practical exercises in order to memorise the irregular verbs by using 'see – hear – repeat' algorithm that ensures fast and long-term memorisation.
Finally, the course provides you with tests in order to check your knowledge of irregular verbs.

Bạn sẽ học được những gì?

Vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0917.202.430 để tải toàn bộ khoá học với giá cực rẻ so với giá gốc
Define and analyse the forms of the verbs in English.
Identify and categorise English regular & irregular verbs.
Memorise the past & past participle forms of 100 m

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