Introduction To Spss Version 29

In this course, you will learn a broad set of introductory skills that will establish a foundation in the use of SPSS version 29 for both statistical and analytical purposes. Although this course is meant for absolute beginners, seasoned analysts from different backgrounds may find it useful to start using the software. The following are covered:1. Downloading SPSS: Obtaining a copy of SPSS can often be unclear. This section looks at two ways to get a copy of SPSS version 29. This method will be the same for all future updates of SPSS.2. Overview of SPSS: This covers the main windows that you'll use in the software generally as well as an explanation of how each column works which is essential to understand prior to being able to function at a higher level.3. Importing dаta: This is a vital skill which is often not covered in full in some courses. You will be taught how to open three types of files, and several other file options available to you in SPSS.4. Data transformation: Three main types are covered, select cases, recode, and split file, all of which filters the data in one way or the other.5. Descriptive statistics: The essentials are covered in this section. You will learn how to generate several types of charts as well as measures of central tendency and variability.

Bạn sẽ học được những gì?

  • Understand and use the three main windows in SPSS.
  • Explain all the columns in the Variable View tab.
  • Transform/filter data using recode, split file, & select cases.
  • Run frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and variability.
  • Build basic graphs.
  • Perform cross tabulations.
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