Interviewing With Confidence

Are you working towards landing your dream job or perhaps you're looking at the stepping stone towards it?
Do you need some help to prepare for interviews, to help you feel ready and confident, and deliver your best during the interview process?
I built this course having you in mind. When we work hard, do a great job and have valuable skills, sometimes we can think that getting a promotion or a specific job we are passionate about should be a given. Unfortunately, in most companies don't exactly work that way. Unless we find a way to showcase our accomplishments, shed some light on our skills and exude confidence, that job we want so much might easily slip through the cracks and go to someone who might not be as qualified as we are but has the ability to sell themselves better.
I've been there and have seen countless of such examples. At first, I personally found it very unfair, enraging and often times very demotivating. But if we want something hard enough, there is always a way. I had to learn it the hard way - over many failed attempt and rejections - that if I want a role in a specific company, I have the play the same game as the ones who seem to be getting the promotions. But, importantly, I had to find a way to play that game, but with my own flavor to it.
I want to help everyone in similar situations, to help you get what you worked so hard for and deserve.
During this course I hope to help you build up your story in a way that helps you feel and come across confident and the best candidate for the job.
We will also cover many possible interview questions and how to answer them, the questions you should be asking back, as well as some tips and tricks on managing the big day.

Bạn sẽ học được những gì?

Build your story you want to land with your interviewer.
Walk away with your customized structure & approach for a job interview.
Deliver a well prepared and confident pitch of yourself and why they should hire you.
Get into the mindset of answering interview questions by working through your answers in advance.
Have a few questions prepared for them – remember, this is your chance to get to know the team/company and see if it's the right fit for you too!
Be able to walk away knowing and feeling you did your best, the rest is up to them.
Don't forget the follow up note.
Ask for feedback.

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