Immunity 101

This course is so rich with information I cannot wait to dive into it with you.

We'll first understand how our immune system works to subsequently comprehend the best practices to help our body maintain its healthy status and prevent infectious diseases. And in case of an infection, we'll together comprehend the best practices to help our body fight against pathogens and recover its health.

When I say comprehend is because I truly believe that knowledge has power.

Enough with all the noise we have out there: scrolling on social media that says "You should take whey protein" or listening to podcasts like "You should take green smoothie every morning" and all the tips and advice that come from friends that have the best of intentions... but imagine if we were to follow every health tip we see?What I offer here is to explore science-based information that will help you comprehend the immune system and from it, make informed decisions on what applies to YOU.I want you all to be the best advocate for your health, so here's what we'll cover in this course:* How our immune system works (including gut health);What is immunity,

Immune system components,

A bit on how they behave and communicate,

Where's nutrition in all that? (nurturing my immune system, mitigating damage, gut health importance).Explaining the most known supplements (Omega 3, Vitamin D, Zinc, Turmeric, Probiotics, Glutamine, etc) and more.* The best practices to help prevent illnesses;What to do, to eat and to supplement.* The best practices to help support our immune system when we are sick for fast recovery.

What to do, to eat and to supplement.

Bạn sẽ học được những gì?

Understand how your immune system acts and its main components in a fun and visual way to easily assimilate the technical knowledge.
Understand how nutrition plays a crucial role on immunity and the key principals for optimal immune health.
Review some of my best supplement recommendations for immune support, with great science based information
Take notes of my shared list with the 5 steps on what to do to prevent ilnesses and what to do to fast recover from one.

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